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Future Energy Systems at the 2023 Canadian Hydrogen Convention

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Dr. Shiva Mohajernia and Dr. Amit Kumar speak to Edmonton Global in a fireside chat

Dr. Shiva Mohajernia and Dr. Amit Kumar speak to Edmonton Global in a fireside chat

This week marked the second time Edmonton celebrated Hydrogen Week, headlined by a showcase event: the Canadian Hydrogen Convention hosted by Edmonton Global and TC Energy on April 25-27, 2023. Future Energy Systems was represented at the University of Alberta booth at the exhibition portion of the Convention, alongside members of the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, the Veinot Research Group, the University's EcoCar team, and the Advanced Heat Transfer and Surface Technologies Laboratory.  

University of Alberta booth at CHC 2023

Hydrogen Week began last year, in 2022, with the first hydrogen-related events; although this year marks the official inauguration of the Canadian Hydrogen Convention. Canada is well positioned to be a leader in the hydrogen space, with our existing energy infrastructure and access to research and innovation, and the Hydrogen Convention was held to bring all corners of the hydrogen supply chain together, from industry, academia, and government to manufacturers and transportation experts. The event was hosted in Edmonton, Alberta, which is home to the Hydrogen HUB consortium and the University of Alberta. 

BTS photo of Dr. Shiva Mohajernia and Dr. Amit Kumar speak to Kessia Kopecky of Edmonton Global

Research from Future Energy Systems was featured throughout the two days of the convention at the exhibition area. FES program coordinator Sam Ferraz judged one of the technical competitions and FES researchers had an opportunity to speak to the economic development agency Edmonton Global during a fireside chat. Dr. Amit Kumar, a hydrogen chain expert who has been involved with the Hydrogen HUB, and Dr. Shiva Mohajernia, a Chemical and Materials Engineering researcher at the U of A, discussed green hydrogen production and hydrogen’s role in decarbonizing Alberta’s energy systems. Watch the discussion below, courtesy of Edmonton Global. 

The University of Alberta is the official academic sponsor for the Global Energy Show, which will be held in Calgary this June. Future Energy Systems researcher and post-combustion carbon capture expert Arvind Rajendran will be a technical speaker at the show, and FES will be represented both at the exhibition and the technical conference. If you would like to get in touch with FES in advance of the Global Energy Show conference, please contact Research Communications Coordinator Elyse Dzenick

For more information on FES research related to hydrogen and carbon capture technologies, visit the following links: