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Secanell, Marc


Dr. Marc Secanell is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta, Canada and the director of the Energy Systems Design Laboratory. His research interests are in the area of analysis and computational design of electrochemical energy systems such as fuel cells and electrolyzers. His current research projects include the fabrication of catalyst coated membranes for polymer electrolyte fuel cells and electrolyzers as well as the development of mathematical models for: a) multi-step electrochemical reactions, b) multi-component gas transport in porous media; and, c) multi-phase/reactive transport models for fuel cells. He is also actively working on the development of porous media characterization methodologies and on the development of numerical models for methane thermal decomposition reactors. He is the lead developer of the open-source fuel cell simulation toolbox OpenFCST, www.openfcst.org.

Secanell, Marc

Publications, Activities, and Awards