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Science Rendezvous Returns to TWOSE with Future Energy Systems

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Science Rendezvous 2023 Volunteers

Science Rendezvous 2023 Volunteers

Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 11, 2024, because science games and adventures are coming back to TELUS World of Science - Edmonton as part of a Canada-wide science festival!

Science Rendezvous, or SciRen, is an annual Canada-wide science festival focused on making STEAM experiences, programming, and research more accessible to the public. It was started by the University of Toronto, Toronto Metropolitan University, York University and Ontario Tech University in 2008 and today is the largest single-day science event in Canada. For the past 2 years, Future Energy Systems has partnered with the Telus World of Science - Edmonton (TWOSE) to bring energy research to the general public for SciRen in Edmonton. 

This year, Science Rendezvous will take place on Saturday, May 11, from 11 am to 3 pm at TWOSE. The 2024 theme is Innovate.

“It’s such a busy day, but it’s so much fun. We bring in students from the University of Alberta to teach kids about a range of energy and environmental topics,” says Dr. Valerie Miller, Outreach and Engagement Lead for Future Energy Systems and current Science Fellow at TWOSE.

The participating students are mostly connected to Future Energy System’s four strategic themes; Land & Water, Responsible hydrocarbons, Sustainability, and System-wide enablers. Valerie also trains graduate students and other personnel to build research demonstrations through the science communication training program Energy Explorers

Dr. Valerie Miller

“The students all have built demos of their current research,” Valerie continues. “The demos are a fun way to communicate their research and connect with kids and the public. Explorers use all sorts of materials to build interactive games and concepts that also explain their research. But you don’t have to be a graduate student to volunteer for SciRen. Last year, we had almost 100 people who helped out with the event.”

In 2023, over 1,600 people attended TWOSE for SciRen, and just under 100 volunteers helped with set up, take down, and running activities. Activity stations were dispersed throughout the exhibits at TWOSE, so guests had an interactive opportunity to learn about energy resources, technology, systems, and research happening at the U of A. 

Matt Labbe is a doctoral candidate at the U of A studying energy storage, and he's also participated in SciRen for the past two years.  

Matt Labbe with his 2023 SciRen activity

“I didn't know what to expect when I first signed up to volunteer for a science festival," Matt shares. "It was actually a really great time, sharing my love for science with so many people who also love science. And obviously, who doesn't love playing games—especially ones where you get to learn something new! It's fun to think of new ways to help people understand what I'm doing and why it matters."

If you want to be involved or sign up to volunteer for this year’s SciRen, click here or email Dr. Valerie Miller

For more information about Future Energy Systems at TWOSE on May 11, visit this webpage