Publications, Activities, and Awards
- 2D C-N Semiconductors: Graphitic, Earth-Abundant Photocatalysts with Tunable Bandgaps
- Alkaline Earth Metal-Organic Frameworks with Tailorable Ion Release: A Path for Supporting Biomineralization
- Atomistic insights on Halide Composition in Mixed Halide Perovskite Systems: 207Pb solid-state NMR perspective
- C3N5: A Low Bandgap Semiconductor Containing an Azo-linked Carbon Nitride Framework for Photocatalytic, Photovoltaic and Adsorbent Applications
- Co-aromatization of methane with propane over Zn/HZSM -5: The methane reaction pathway and the effect of Zn distribution
- Coloured intermetallic compounds LiCu2Al and LiCu2Ga
- Composition-Tunable Formamidinium Lead Mixed Halide Perovskites via Solvent-Free Mechanochemical Synthesis: Decoding the Pb Environments Using Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
- Drop that activation energy: Tetragonal to cubic transformations in Na3PS4−xSex for solid state sodium ion battery materials
- Exposing Halide-Mixing in Hybrid Perovskite Materials Using Solid-State NMR
- Exposing Halide-Mixing in Next-Generation Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Materials using Solid-State NMR
- High-Capacitance Pseudocapacitors from Li$\less$sup$\greater$$\mathplus$$\less$/sup$\greater$ Ion Intercalation in Nonporous, Electrically Conductive 2D Coordination Polymers
- High-Capacitance Pseudocapacitors from Li+ Ion Intercalation in Nonporous, Electrically Conductive 2D Coordination Polymers
- Hybrid Lead Mixed-Halide Perovskites: Mechanochemical Synthesis and Solid-State NMR Study
- Impact of Al sites on the methane co-aromatization with alkanes over Zn/HZSM -5
- In Search of Coloured Intermetallics
- Investigating ordering in chalcogenide solid electrolytes using solid-state NMR spectroscopy
- Lead-207 NMR Spectroscopy at 1.4 T: Application of Benchtop Instrumentation to a Challenging I = \textonehalf Nucleus
- Mechanochemical Synthesis of Methylammonium Lead Mixed\textendash Halide Perovskites: Unraveling the Solid-Solution Behavior Using Solid-State NMR
- Noble Metal Free, Visible Light Driven Photocatalysis Using TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Sensitized by P-doped C3N4 Quantum Dots
- Phase Evolution in Methylammonium Tin Halide Perovskites with Variable Temperature Solid-State 119Sn NMR Spectroscopy
- Photocatalytic mechanism control and study of carrier dynamics in CdS@C3N5 core-shell nanowires
- Revealing the Local Sn and Pb Arrangements in CsSnxPb1–xBr3 Perovskites with Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
- Tailorable Indirect to Direct Band-Gap Double Perovskites with Bright White-Light Emission: Decoding Chemical Structure Using Solid-State NMR
- Tunable Absorption and Emission in Mixed Halide Bismuth Oxyhalides for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting