Projects Development and Synthesis of Novel Materials for Water Remediation Land and Water Dynamics of colloids in phase separation Heavy Oil - Non-Aqueous Recovery Nanobubbles for highly effective wastewater treatment Land and Water Unlocking the Physics and Chemistry of Bitumen, Water, Solvent, and Porous Media Interfaces- an Enabling Technology for New Production Process Development Heavy Oil - In-Situ
Publications, Activities, and Awards Accelerated Formation of H2 Nanobubbles from a Surface Nanodroplet Reaction Automated Femtoliter Droplet-Based Determination of Oil--Water Partition Coefficient Bouncing behaviors of an oil droplet in a stratified liquid Bouncing Oil Droplet in a Stratified Liquid and its Sudden Death Concave Microlens Arrays With Tunable Curvature For Enhanced Photodegradation Of Organic Pollutants In Water: A Non-Contact Approach Control of Femtoliter Liquid on a Microlens: A Way to Flexible Dual-Microlens Arrays Controlled addition of new liquid component into surface droplet arrays by solvent exchange Critical Shear Stress of Clathrate and Semiclathrate Hydrates on Solid Substrates Development of Microlens-Enhanced Photolysis of Contaminants in Water Development Of Nanolens-Enhanced Photocatalytic Microreactor For Process Water Treatment Encapsulated Nanodroplets for Enhanced Fluorescence Detection by Nano-Extraction Enhanced Displacement of Phase Separating Liquid Mixtures in 2D Confined Spaces Enhanced efficiency and thermal stability of perovskite solar cells using poly (9-vinylcarbazole) modified perovskite/PCBM interface Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation Of Organic Contaminants In Water By Highly Tunable Surface Microlenses Enhancement Of Photodegradation In Water By Surface Microlenses Under Visible Light Enhancing The Photodegradation Of Pollutants In Water Evaporation-triggered ouzo effect in a Hele-Shaw cell Floating ZnO Nanoparticles-Coated Micro Glass Bubbles For The Efficient Photodegradation Of Micropollutants In Water Formation and Stability of Cavitation Microbubbles in Process Water from the Oilsands Industry Formation of Polystyrene Microlenses via Transient Droplets from the Ouzo Effect for Enhanced Optical Imaging Gas-vapor Interplay in Plasmonic Bubble Shrinkage Giant and explosive plasmonic bubbles by delayed Immobilization Of Photocatalytic ZnO Nanocaps On Planar And Curved Surfaces For The Photodegradation Of Organic Contaminants In Water In-situ fabrication of metal oxide nanocaps based on biphasic reactions with surface nanodroplets Integrated Nanoextraction and Colorimetric Reactions in Surface Nanodroplets for Combinative Analysis Interfacial Partitioning Enhances Microextraction by Multicomponent Nanodroplets Marangoni puffs: dramatically enhanced dissolution of droplets with an entrapped bubble Microbubble-Enhanced Recovery of Residual Bitumen from the Tailings of Oil Sands Extraction in a Laboratory-Scale Pipeline Microbubble-enhanced water activation by cold plasma Microdroplet nucleation by dissolution of a multicomponent drop in a host liquid Morphology of Evaporating Sessile Microdroplets on Lyophilic Elliptical Patches Oiling-Out Crystallization of Beta-Alanine on Solid Surfaces Controlled by Solvent Exchange One-Step Nanoextraction and Ultrafast Microanalysis Based on Nanodroplet Formation in an Evaporating Ternary Liquid Microfilm Ouzo Column under Impact: Formation of Emulsion Jet and Oil-Lubricated Droplet Particle Size Determines the Shape of Supraparticles in Self-Lubricating Ternary Droplets Photodegradation Of Dyes With PMMA Microlenses Physicochemical hydrodynamics of droplets out of equilibrium Plasmonic Bubble Nucleation and Growth in Water: Effect of Dissolved Air Plasmonic Nanobubbles in Armored Surface Nanodroplets Porous supraparticle assembly through self-lubricating evaporating colloidal ouzo drops Primary submicron particles from early stage asphaltene precipitation revealed in situ by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy in a model oil system Scalable And Facile Formation Of Microlenses On Curved Surfaces Enabling A Highly Customized Sustainable Solar-Water Nexus Self-Propelled Detachment upon Coalescence of Surface Bubbles Sequential droplet reactions for surface-bound gold nanocrater array Sequential Evaporation--Induced Formation of Polymeric Surface Microdents via Ouzo Effect Size distribution of primary submicron particles and larger aggregates in solvent-induced asphaltene precipitation in a model oil system Solvent Exchange in a Hele--Shaw Cell: Universality of Surface Nanodroplet Nucleation Speeding up biphasic reactions with surface nanodroplets Splitting droplets through coalescence of two different three-phase contact lines Surface Microlenses For Enhanced Photodegradation Of Organic Contaminants In Water Surface Microlenses For Much More Efficient Photodegradation In Water Treatment Surface nanodroplets: formation, dissolution, and applications Surface Properties of Colloidal Particles Affect Colloidal Self-Assembly in Evaporating Self-Lubricating Ternary Droplets Synchrotron Radiation-Based FTIR Microspectroscopic Imaging of Traumatically Injured Mouse Brain Tissue Slices Tuning Composition of Multicomponent Surface Nanodroplets in a Continuous Flow-In System Ultrahigh Density of Gas Molecules Confined in Surface Nanobubbles in Ambient Water Ultrasensitive Picomolar Detection of Aqueous Acids in Microscale Fluorescent Droplets Viscosity-Mediated Growth and Coalescence of Surface Nanodroplets Water-mediated adhesion of oil sands on solid surfaces at low temperature ZnO-coated Micro Glass Bubbles (MGBs) For Photodegradation