Publications, Activities, and Awards
- A Tale of Seemingly “Identical” Silicon Quantum Dot Families: Structural Insight into Silicon Quantum Dot Photoluminescence
- Dehydrocoupling – an alternative approach to functionalizing germanium nanoparticle surfaces
- Endogenous Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR of Hydride-Terminated Silicon Nanoparticles
- Front Cover: Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres Decorated with Metal Oxide Nanoparticles as Efficient Earth-Abundant Zinc-Air Battery Catalysts
- Functional Bioinorganic Hybrids from Enzymes and Luminescent Silicon-Based Nanoparticles
- Functional Bioinorganic Hybrids from Enzymes and Silicon Quantum Dots
- Functional Bioinorganic Hybrids from Enzymes and Silicon-Based Quantum Dots
- H-SiNP: Cutting Through the Layers Using 29Si MAS and DNP NMR
- Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres Decorated with Metal Oxide Nanoparticles as Efficient Earth-Abundant Zinc-Air Battery Catalysts
- Hydride Terminated SiNP:Cutting through the Layers Using 29Si MAS and DNP NMR Spectroscopy
- Interfacing Enzymes with Silicon Nanocrystals
- Interfacing Enzymes with Silicon Nanocrystals
- Interfacing enzymes with silicon nanocrystals through the thiol-ene reaction
- Interfacing Enzymes with Silicon-Based Nanoparticles through the Amide Coupling Reaction
- Mesoporous GeOx/Ge/C as a Highly Reversible Anode Material with High Specific Capacity for Lithium-Ion Batteries
- Mn3O4 Nanoparticle-Decorated Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Spheres as an Efficient Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Zn-air Batteries
- Preparation of Enzyme-Silicon Nanocrystal Hybrids Through the Amide Coupling and Thiol-Ene Reactions
- Ratiometric Detection of Nerve Agents by Coupling Complementary Properties of Silicon-Based Quantum Dots and Green Fluorescent Protein
- Ratiometric Detection of Nerve Agents Using Silicon-Based Quantum Dots and Green Fluorescent Protein
- Silicon Nanoparticles: Are they Crystalline from the Core to the Surface?
- Silicon Quantum Dot–Polymer Fabry–Pérot Resonators with Narrowed and Tunable Emissions
- Size and Surface Edicts of Silicon Nanocrystals in Graphene Aerogel Composite Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries
- Synthesis, Properties, and Derivatization of Poly(dihydrogermane): A Germanium-Based Polyethylene Analogue
- Thermally Responsive Photoluminescent Hybrids from Silicon Quatum Dots and Elastin-Like Polypeptides
- Ultrabright Fluorescent and Lasing Microspheres from a Conjugated Polymer
- Water-Assisted Transfer Patterning of Nanomaterials
- “Turning the dials”: controlling synthesis, structure, composition, and surface chemistry to tailor silicon nanoparticle properties