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Mar, Arthur


Arthur Mar leads an outstanding research program in inorganic solid-state chemistry at the University of Alberta.  He is an international leader recognized for his authoritative expertise in inorganic materials (Zintl phases, intermetallics, pnictides, chalcogenides), characterization methods (especially X-ray crystallography), and applications (thermoelectric, ferromagnetic, superconducting, and optical materials).  Over the past 30 years, Mar has attained a distinguished international reputation in intermetallic chemistry, having published >245 articles and given >130 invited presentations.  He has led pioneering efforts to apply machine-learning approaches to guide materials discovery, making groundbreaking advances to predict crystal structures, to identify thermoelectric materials, and to improve efficiencies of energy-conversion materials.   He has served on the editorial boards of Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, and Acta Crystallographica.  He is chair for the Gordon Conference on Solid State Chemistry (2024).  In addition to being recognized as an excellent researcher (through the Faculty of Science Research Award at the University of Alberta), he is an outstanding, award-winning teacher who is highly valued for his enthusiastic contributions to chemical education.  He was a Professeur invité at the Université de Rennes 1 (2003), a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Beijing Normal University (2017), and a Distinguished Overseas Professor at Shanghai University of Engineering Science (2019).

Mar, Arthur

Publications, Activities, and Awards