Publications, Activities, and Awards
- A Direct Actual-Power Control Scheme for Current-Fed Dual-Active-Bridge DC /DC Converter Based on Virtual Impedance Estimation
- A Dual-Current-Fed Dual-Active-Bridge DC/DC Converter With High-Frequency Current-Ripple-Friendly Ports
- A Dual-Inductor-Connected Isolated DC–DC Converter With Direct Current Control and Low Current Harmonics
- A Fast Dynamic Response Control Method for the Hybrid SRC-PSFB Converter with Partial Power Processing Property
- A Fault-tolerant Scheme for Switching Devices in Current-Fed Dual-Active-Bridge Converter
- A Partial Power Processing Structure Embedding Renewable Energy Source and Energy Storage Element for Islanded DC Microgrid
- A Partial-Power-Processed CLLC-Dab DC/DC Transformer with Voltage Self-Balancing Capability for Bipolar LVDC Distribution Systems
- A Power Sharing Control Scheme with Fast-Dynamic Response for Input-Series Output-Parallel DAB dc-dc Converter
- A Two-Stage Four-Switch Buck-Boost Integrated Dual-Active-Bridge Converter with Wide Range Soft-Switching and Minimized Backflow Power
- A Zero-Sequence Component Injection PWM Scheme for Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Rectifiers With Unbalanced DC-Link Voltages
- An Improved Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter System With Full-Voltage Balancing Capability for Bipolar Low-Voltage DC Grid
- An Input-Oriented Power Sharing Control Scheme With Fast-Dynamic Response for ISOP DAB DC\textendashDC Converter
- An Input-Series-Output-Parallel Connected Four-Switch Buck-Boost-Integrated CLLC DC Transformer with Bidirectional Natural Power-Sharing Property
- Boosting Nine-Level Operation of Seven-Level Hybrid-Clamped (7L-HC ) Converter
- CCS-MPC with Long Predictive Horizon for Grid-Connected Current Source Converter
- Common-mode Voltage Reduction Method for Three-level Vienna Rectifiers
- Communicationless Power Management Strategy for the Multiple-DAB-Based Energy Storage System in Isolated DC Microgrid
- Design Considerations of the GaN Power Stage for a GaN/Si Internal Parallel Multilevel Converter based 1500V PV String Inverter
- Discontinuous Bi-tri Logic SPWM for Current Source Converter with Optimized Zero-State Replacement
- Harmonics and Reactive Power Compensation of the LCC in a Parallel LCC-VSCs Configuration for a Hybrid AC/DC Network
- High Power Current Source Converters
- Improved Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Parallel Dual-Converter-Fed PMSM Drives
- Improved Model Predictive Control With Reduced DC-Link Capacitor RMS Current for Back-to-Back Converter-fed PMSM Drives
- Interleaved SPWM for Parallel CSC System with Low Common-Mode Voltage and Circulating Current
- Isomorphic Relationships between Voltage-Source and Current-Source Converters
- Mixed Series-Parallel Connected Current Source Converters with Interleaved SPWM
- Model Predictive Control for Grid-Connected Current-Source Converter With Enhanced Robustness and Grid-Current Feedback Only
- Model Predictive Control of 5L-ANPC Converter-Fed PMSM Drives with Two-Stage Optimization
- Model-Based Closed-Loop Control for High-Power Current Source Rectifiers under Selective Harmonic Elimination/Compensation PWM with Fast Dynamics
- Modeling and Design of Parallel LCC -VSC Interlinking Converters' Unified Controller in AC/DC Network
- Multilevel CSC System Based on Series-Parallel Connected Three-phase Modules with Optimized Carrier-shift SPWM
- Multirate Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control for High Switching Frequency Power Converters
- Reduction of Common-Mode Voltage and NP Voltage Oscillation for Three-Level Vienna Rectifiers Using Alternative Phase Opposition Disposition PWM
- Simultaneous DC Current Balance and CMV Reduction for Parallel CSC System with Interleaved Carrier-based SPWM
- Simultaneous DC Current Balance and Common-Mode Voltage Control with Multilevel Current Source Inverters
- Small-signal Modelling and Analysis of Microgrids with Synchronous and Virtual Synchronous Generators
- Topologies and Operations of Hybrid-type DC-DC Converters Interfacing Dc-Current Bus and Dc-Voltage Bus
- Two-Stage Optimization-Based Model Predictive Control of 5L-ANPC Converter-Fed PMSM Drives