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Exploring worldwide energy systems change

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Professor Eicke Weber delivers his keynote address at the Future of Energy Conference in Edmonton, Alberta.

Professor Eicke Weber delivers his keynote address at the Future of Energy Conference in Edmonton, Alberta.

First Future Energy Systems conference examines global energy transition

What will a global transition to low-carbon energy look like?

Evolving technologies and diverse geographical and social contexts make worldwide energy systems change a complex topic, so last week Future Energy Systems partnered with the Germany Embassy in Ottawa and Siemens Canada for an event that examined the coming transition from multiple points of view.

The Future of Energy Conference brought German and Canadian experts to the University of Alberta to discuss the future of energy and the current state of energy research. Scientists, engineers, social scientists, industry leaders and government representatives delivered plenary addresses and took part in panel discussions that shed light on the opportunities and challenges presented by energy transition.

Opening the event was a keynote address from Professor Eicke Weber, head of Berkley Singapore and former head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems. His presentation was followed by a discussion panel including Future Energy Systems Director Larry Kostiuk, Government of Alberta Deputy Minister of Energy Colleen Volk, Energy Council of Canada President Graham Campbell, and COSIA CEO Dan Wicklum, moderated by Robert Skinner from the University of Calgary.

The inclusion of diverse perspectives –– from champions of renewable energy to innovators within the oil sands industry –– ensured a lively discussion and set the stage for the next day’s panels, which did not shy away from the complex realities of energy systems change. To view the complete program, including all speakers and panelists, click here.

Registrations for the free two-day event reached capacity, and more than 140 people remained on the waiting list by the time it kicked off at the TELUS Centre in Edmonton. Due to this interest, audio from all sessions was recorded by the University of Alberta Arts Resource Centre, and in the coming weeks a podcast from each session will be posted on this website. Additional coverage of the sessions will be shared as each podcast becomes available.

The Future of Energy Conference was the first event hosted by Future Energy Systems. The initiative’s next public event is an Open House taking place Thursday, October 12, 2017 from 3:00-5:00 PM at the TELUS Centre in Edmonton. Researchers and graduate students from more than forty projects will be on hand to discuss their cutting-edge work, and no registration is required to attend.

For more information click here.

To be alerted when podcasts from the Future of Energy Conference become available, and for information about upcoming events, sign up for the Future Energy Systems newsletter here.